Let’s cut right to the chase.
Is the M&P closing?
No! The M& P is committed to serving our partners on West Campus, but we do need to streamline the service.Streamlined service. What does that mean?
We will close the grill portion and move the remaining operations to the coffee shop, where we can offer many M&P favorites with staffing geared to sales levels.But why the changes?
Unfortunately, economic realities make it difficult to maintain our current offerings. Since M&P’s opening in 2010, the population on West Campus has not reached the point to sustain the current operation. Even with elimination of the grill, KU Dining Services will incur financial losses.But don’t you receive student fees to subsidize the M&P?
No, Dining does not receive student fees or state funding. We are a not-for-profit organization offering dining services to the KU campuses. All income from sales is dedicated to supporting retail dining on campus.
So what will the New M& P offer with the grill closed?
We’ll continue to carry hot items. We will offer a rotating menu of hot entrees as well as Panini sandwiches, hot soup and the popular “dillas of the day.” We’ll also offer the complete line of Roasterie coffee and specialty beverages as well as breakfast pastries, gourmet salads and sandwiches.
What else do we need to know about the changes?
As the landscape of the KU campus changes, KU Dining Services changes too. We will watch for continued growth on West Campus so we can expand the offerings at M&P to best serve our guests.See you at the U!